Hi, as a long indentured and seemingly misplaced technology person (more on the latter, later) I get to hear some "double take" rhetoric while participating in; collaborative groups, forward-thinking planning sessions, strategery meetings (thanks Will), and in the day to day cubical rants of my many coworkers. One of the best I ever heard, and I wish I knew who said it and when is;
"You can lead a horse to water but that is water under the bridge."
Why a blog? Simple. My best man at my wedding 10 years ago in January on the anniversary of Elvis Presley’s birthday, just sold his company to Google, and is now courtesy of the halo effect, a technical and business genius. He imparted these words of wisdom; "Get out, now."
Essentially his take on his massive exit is this, "I am an eight year overnight sensation. I did not go to the right school, had average grades, the wrong degree, and am at heart, a marketing guy."
Outside of the fact that he has maintained his world view in spite of the fact he could buy my humble little start up. What hit home is he is right on. Hammer to the nail head. It hurt. My vocational dreams evaporating like the world's glaciers.
"You write," he continued, "You need to share it. All of it. Your product ideas, your take on young executives your weird 'isms', all of it. Just write it so people can see it. If it sucks, you will know. If it doesn't, you will also know."
God I hate him. Huh, he is smarter.
"You can lead a horse to water but that is water under the bridge."
Why a blog? Simple. My best man at my wedding 10 years ago in January on the anniversary of Elvis Presley’s birthday, just sold his company to Google, and is now courtesy of the halo effect, a technical and business genius. He imparted these words of wisdom; "Get out, now."
Essentially his take on his massive exit is this, "I am an eight year overnight sensation. I did not go to the right school, had average grades, the wrong degree, and am at heart, a marketing guy."
Outside of the fact that he has maintained his world view in spite of the fact he could buy my humble little start up. What hit home is he is right on. Hammer to the nail head. It hurt. My vocational dreams evaporating like the world's glaciers.
"You write," he continued, "You need to share it. All of it. Your product ideas, your take on young executives your weird 'isms', all of it. Just write it so people can see it. If it sucks, you will know. If it doesn't, you will also know."
God I hate him. Huh, he is smarter.