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Showing posts from 2010

“Girls like guys with skills.” - Napoleon Dynamite

Truer words one will most likely never hear. Girls like guys with skills. All types of skills. Since the Agents are reaching the age where the opposite sex is becoming interesting I decided to give them some skills, and bragging rights with an overnight backpacking trip. So the Supreme Commander set up a trip in the Cascades in Washington. It was to be an overnight survival skills building trip. As I explained it, “Agents, after this trip you will make Bear Grylls look like a hand model.” Agent Hotkoffee used another word involving hand to describe the Bear, again this is a family blog. Agent Hofkoffee thought it was a great idea and she volunteered to assist with the training. Since she is more than qualified I asked her along. Figured I needed it in case the agents went off the rails. Okay, more like when the agents go off the rails. The trip was scheduled for one night in the woods off Boulder Creek Trail in the Darrington National Forest. The hike into the campsite is a moderate hi...

One Man's Journey is another's Volvo

Here is a portion of an email exchange I had with a good friend. I consider him very funny as he is exacting in his humor. The thread is about what car to buy for his new gig in Oakland, CA. I of course wanted him to go for speed and the high probability of getting a cap busted in his a**, he of course has the perfect solution (edited to protect the innocent). No doubt the STi rocks, but that would get me back into the R32 realm which (sadly) I needed to leave when I shuffled off to Noir City. No, I've decided to confuse friends, enemies, family, strangers, and even Sadie by going old school. Or - as some might think - Total Retard. Read on... My friend X who, together with you, I consulted about my car choices made a good point: avoid the awkward years of car electronics. Depending on brand, that meant anything from about 1972 to the early/mid 1990s. Hard to work on, prone to failure, hard to find parts for. Factor in my budget, my sort of rekindled Bohemian sensibilities, ...

The GESC and Why it Will Change the World

Here is a description of the new product I am selling - it is a can't miss... Gist Extractionificator with Semantic Cartridges (GESC) With the global electronic data expanding at astronomical rate from 15 ayottabytes to over 22 kazillabytes the need for a galactically scalable, adjudable-matrixed extractionificator that not only provides meaning-welding it can simultaneously buffer and negate idea distancing in polynomial matrices. Our research team used derivative vector processing instructions as the foundation for creating parrallelizable semantic cartridges. To achieve the scale required for kazillabyte real time processing the semantic cartridges were infused with Boolean de-aggregators that use satisfaction logic for distributed mining extensions. This breakthrough allows the GESC to federate a Fibbonacci sequence at 10 to the 11th in relative near-real time terms while maintaining linearity in the cost model. Architecturally advances were made in Super-High-Integrated-Transa...

This Just In - The Final Secret Agent Update

After a lot of pressure to give the two complete screw ups a second chance to get some kind of reward by completing something. It was creepy to me that a number of real parents said I had to reward the effort even if the failed or I would be sending the wrong message. Huh. How my brain was working was this was a much a responsibility (like a job) as anything else and not a training course where a ‘C’ is okay. As I told the Agents up front a “c’ or average effort will get you fried. So if you are not up for an ‘A’ level effort, do not bother to even say you will. Get it right or go home empty handed. Kind of like all the jobs you have after you get out of school. What I was thinking is how to let them off the hook without excusing their lame effort (losing the last clue). Reaching into the October 2008 archive when the actual Golden Gun from the Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun was stolen I sent this communication to the Agents: Agents I was captured by the group KAOS. I had to sur...

You knew this was coming - The mission stalls

Yeah, it all came to a screeching halt, on the overnight portion of the four day program. All in all no major injuries, or sudden deaths so a victory none the less. Here is how it came to a hard stop: One of the planning stages of this secret agent mission was to make certain I maintained a professional distance form the field agents. More literally translated - I needed a break or someone was going down to friendly fore. So I built in day for as my break and my worldly counterpart, Valeria Hotkoffee would take the boys to her friend’s farm. The clue was for the boy to use the information on the jump drive to locate the farm. The data was an instruction letter like I always give them, plus a link to a Yahoo! map of an overhead view of the property. From all of the information given in the letter and available on the map view the two agents should be able to figure this out. I was banking on the fact the agents had a sleep over at the farm and the mission was at night in the creepiest p...