Okay I have to come clean after being called out by an alert reader. I left out two events unique to myself at a sales kickoff. So in the interest of surfacing repressed memories here goes;
I spilled a bottle of Corona on the wife of the then CEO soaking her whomptillion dollar silk shawl. The upside of this was she handled this with grace and aplomb and I was not fired. The CEO did joke after she got back from cleaning up, “So what did you do after you worked at (withheld)?”
Second was during the sales award ceremony I was called up as one of the top 3 reps (I was #3 out of 150) to receive my award. This company was bit different as there were many more (about 2 to 1) saleswomen then men. The VP of WW Operations was taking a wide interpretation of the obligatory handshake and kissing all the women on the cheek. So when I accepted my award, yes, I planted one on his cheek. That got the crowd going.
The net result? I was promoted. Also the CEO would send me notes via internal company mail on how dangerous I was at the dinner table when I would be in the company news.
I spilled a bottle of Corona on the wife of the then CEO soaking her whomptillion dollar silk shawl. The upside of this was she handled this with grace and aplomb and I was not fired. The CEO did joke after she got back from cleaning up, “So what did you do after you worked at (withheld)
Second was during the sales award ceremony I was called up as one of the top 3 reps (I was #3 out of 150) to receive my award. This company was bit different as there were many more (about 2 to 1) saleswomen then men. The VP of WW Operations was taking a wide interpretation of the obligatory handshake and kissing all the women on the cheek. So when I accepted my award, yes, I planted one on his cheek. That got the crowd going.
The net result? I was promoted. Also the CEO would send me notes via internal company mail on how dangerous I was at the dinner table when I would be in the company news.