Here is a description of the new product I am selling - it is a can't miss... Gist Extractionificator with Semantic Cartridges (GESC) With the global electronic data expanding at astronomical rate from 15 ayottabytes to over 22 kazillabytes the need for a galactically scalable, adjudable-matrixed extractionificator that not only provides meaning-welding it can simultaneously buffer and negate idea distancing in polynomial matrices. Our research team used derivative vector processing instructions as the foundation for creating parrallelizable semantic cartridges. To achieve the scale required for kazillabyte real time processing the semantic cartridges were infused with Boolean de-aggregators that use satisfaction logic for distributed mining extensions. This breakthrough allows the GESC to federate a Fibbonacci sequence at 10 to the 11th in relative near-real time terms while maintaining linearity in the cost model. Architecturally advances were made in Super-High-Integrated-Transa...
From my Dad, who can fracture an "ism" with the best of them: "You can lead a horse to water but that is water under the bridge."