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Showing posts from April, 2010

One Man's Journey is another's Volvo

Here is a portion of an email exchange I had with a good friend. I consider him very funny as he is exacting in his humor. The thread is about what car to buy for his new gig in Oakland, CA. I of course wanted him to go for speed and the high probability of getting a cap busted in his a**, he of course has the perfect solution (edited to protect the innocent). No doubt the STi rocks, but that would get me back into the R32 realm which (sadly) I needed to leave when I shuffled off to Noir City. No, I've decided to confuse friends, enemies, family, strangers, and even Sadie by going old school. Or - as some might think - Total Retard. Read on... My friend X who, together with you, I consulted about my car choices made a good point: avoid the awkward years of car electronics. Depending on brand, that meant anything from about 1972 to the early/mid 1990s. Hard to work on, prone to failure, hard to find parts for. Factor in my budget, my sort of rekindled Bohemian sensibilities, ...