Here is a portion of an email exchange I had with a good friend. I consider him very funny as he is exacting in his humor. The thread is about what car to buy for his new gig in Oakland, CA. I of course wanted him to go for speed and the high probability of getting a cap busted in his a**, he of course has the perfect solution (edited to protect the innocent). No doubt the STi rocks, but that would get me back into the R32 realm which (sadly) I needed to leave when I shuffled off to Noir City. No, I've decided to confuse friends, enemies, family, strangers, and even Sadie by going old school. Or - as some might think - Total Retard. Read on... My friend X who, together with you, I consulted about my car choices made a good point: avoid the awkward years of car electronics. Depending on brand, that meant anything from about 1972 to the early/mid 1990s. Hard to work on, prone to failure, hard to find parts for. Factor in my budget, my sort of rekindled Bohemian sensibilities, ...
From my Dad, who can fracture an "ism" with the best of them: "You can lead a horse to water but that is water under the bridge."