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This is the second time. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice I am a pathetic loser like Harry in D&D. Now I am not one of the silicon valley intellectual, financial, and cultural elite. How do I know this? Because they stopped calling me back. Yup moved on to the next level and here I sit in the baby pool awash with other people’s…

Apologies that one got away from me. That is another post entirely. So here I sit looking for the following items because Canon will graciously:

“…(might) may be able to resubmit your request for processing if you are able to provide copies of your submission information. If you have retained a copy of your disclaimer page in lieu of the UPC, you may fax them to the number at the end of this email, or mail them to us at:

Mailing address:

Customer Service Department
PO Box 979
Fonthill, ON L0S 1E0

Customer Service Department
PO Box 52901
Phoenix, AZ 85072

If you wish, you can also send your documents via email as an attachment only. Acceptable forms of attachments include .jpg, .gif, .pdf. Unfortunately, we cannot accept documents that are embedded within your email.

Please include the following information with your fax, mail or email:

- Email address
- Complete name
- Complete address, including zip / postal code
- Item purchased
- Amount of rebate expected
- Daytime phone number
- Department number
- Submission Number

If you include your email address on the cover page of your fax we will inform you when your documents have been received and processed. Your documents will be processed as quickly as possible however we ask that you please allow 5 business days to view the revised status of your rebate on our website.”

It has been years since I wept openly with tears of pure joy. My spirits are now filled to the brim with optimism. A voice (typist?) in the virtual world, sporting a very earnest Arial 10 font as set by me in my Y! email account using the Oddpost beta (it’s good). Breathe, walk toward the light, look for Carol Ann, walk, and breathe.

Now this process looks familiar to me. When I bought an external backup drive two years ago I had the same run around. Rebate sent in exactly per instructions, denied, I called, and it was cleared. F-ing scumbags. Just a run around because some marketing ops person somewhere knows that the rebates crowd will fall off at a certain percentage and only the truly persistent will get their money.

Anyone know what that # is?

So I called and it was reaffirmed that I need to copy page six from the User Guide which is the Printer Disclaimer page and fax or scan and email it in. So I will.

Something tells me I am not done here to get my $50.


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